CIVIC presents YELL, LOW HIGH, an installation during ART Basel. A spatial transition by the Masterstudio Scenography ICDP students: Marcial Koch, Adelina Malekova, Jimena Martel Bidegain, Connor Muething, Renê Salazar and Martin Wöllenstein. "Yellow is a huge entity living at CIVIC. It only opens up once a lifetime"....
11.06.2024 – 16.06.2024
Opening hours
Mo – Fr: 9 am – 5 pm
Sa – Sun: 12 – 5 pm
Special Opening ART Basel- ART@DREISPITZ
Tuesday, June 11
5pm Drinks
5.30pm Performance
6pm Gelato
Friday, June 14
5pm Concert
6pm Gelato & Drinks
7pm Karaoke, DJ Set
is a huge entity
living in the lobby of CIVIC
that only opens once every solar cycle.
No one knows where it came from…
Did it fall from the sky? Did it come out of the ground?
It feeds on air, it's mysterious, it's elusive and strangely alive.
It sends out signals of seduction.
Whistling low sounds into your ears,
breathing high scents into your nose,
yelling silently.
It wants you to come closer.
High above your head
Low under your feet
y e l l o w w w
in your veins
Y l l w
on your mind
It wants you to surrender.
Can you resist?
The Scenography students, with an interdisciplinary background in stage design, art, dance, graphic design, interaction design, and architecture will explore the potential and creative possibilities of transitional spaces and bring them to life through a spatial installation.
"Liminal spaces are realms of transition, change, and innovation - where everything seems possible and in constant flux. The liminal state is not fixed but rather a fluctuating suspension. These spaces offer vast potential and creative possibilities, providing the opportunity for something new as established structures are temporarily dissolved." according to Prof. Charlotte Tamschick and Martina Ehleiter. "Join us and become part of the transition experience at CIVIC."
Marcial Koch
Adelina Malekova
Jimena Martel Bidegain
Connor Muething
Renê Salazar
Martin Wöllenstein
Prof. Charlotte Tamschick
Martina Ehleiter
Basel Academy of Art and Design, FHNW
ICDP Institute of Contemporary Design Practices Masterstudio Scenography
Matylda Krzykowski, CIVIC Artistic Lead
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